Fancy Fluff Cattery

Home About Us Persian Females Males Available Kittens Available Adults (Pets and Breeders) My Grand Champions Upcoming Show Kittens Photo Gallery( At the shows) My Photo Albums Contact Us Links Page My Files Blog Photo 5

Welcome To Fancy Fluff Cattery

We are a CFA registered cattery in central Kentucky. We specialize in bi-color Persians now.   We both breed and show.   We bred Himalayans for years but have decided to focus on our bi-color lines.  I may still have some solid and parti-color Persians though.  Our kittens are raised underfoot with lots of love from me, my husband, and my daughter.  We do offer pets for sale to loving pet homes, breeders to small cageless catteries, and  breeder/show kittens or premiership cats will also be offered from time to time.  Felv/Fiv negative tested cattery.  PKD DNA negative tested cats.

So please take a look around my site. Please read all about us and our cattery on the about us page. I've included pricing, shipping, and delivery info on the about us page.  Available kittens can be found on the available kittens page.  Retiring adults will be found on the available adult page when I have them available.  The upcoming kittens page has the potential show kittens that I'm watching develop.  These might eventually land on the available page so please check back.  The photo gallery page is pictures taken at the shows.  I have also set up a page now for photo albums.  Here I will be make an album for each of my cats so you can see what they looked like as babies and see what they have turned into. Here I plan to also include pictures of kittens sold and pictures that I have received.  So if you have bought a kitten from me I do love to have pictures.  Please feel free to contact me from the contact us page. Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave and let me know what you think. Enjoy your stay and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

I try to keep my website up to date. I try my best to keep you informed to upcoming breedings, upcoming litters, and of course all new births. I try to always make changes to the available kittens page as I receive a deposit or sell a kitten as time allows. When I have kittens I add new pics each week so that you can watch the kittens grow. If you would like to be updated when my website has been updated I have now set up a yahoo group that you are welcome to join from the link on the contact page.

You can pay online with your credit card.  This is a quick way for me to accept deposits.  If you want to pay for the remaining part with paypal also then I add 3% for the paypal charges or send friends and family only.  Otherwise the fee will be owed at time of pickup.  Please do not send a deposit without discussing it with me first.  If you are unfamilar with Paypal please check it out at 


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